Matthew 14 has a beautiful story of Jesus feeding thousands of people with just a few loaves and fishes. You know the one.
I love reading it, and I think my favorite part is when the disciples come to Jesus and tell Him to send the people away so they can get something to eat.
A reasonable plan, right?
But I love that Jesus says, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” (Matt 14:16 NIV)
It surprises me that He did not say, “I’m going to give them something to eat.” Even though He knew that the food would come from Himself. He knew they did not have enough.
How many times have I looked into the eyes of a grieving friend, or a stranger in need, and thought “I have nothing to say? The need goes beyond me.”
And that’s when Jesus whispers, “You give them something to eat.” He knows the food will really come from Himself. He just wants me to give Him something to multiply.
Loved it. Looked to get another to find it was your first? only? on So when will you release another? I can’t wait!!!
I’m so glad that you enjoyed, it Kathy! Thank you so much for telling me. Notes like this really help fuel me through my least favorite part of writing books, which is the final edits! 🙂 And that’s what I’m doing today. I took a break from it, and there was your comment! So lovely. The next book will be out in the beginning of September. Hard to believe that’s only a few weeks away. And then the next book will come out a month or two after that. Thanks again for the sweet comment!